Bushwalks listing

  • Degree of Difficulty explained

    Difficulty of the walks:  The grading of WalkGPS walks takes account of various factors, especially distance, type of terrain and amount of off-track walking.  Be aware that ‘Easy’, ‘Medium’ and ‘Hard’ are subjective grades and depend on the experience and perception of individual walkers. You must exercise your own independent judgment as to whether the walk routes suggested on this site are safe for you in the context of your fitness, training, skills and experience. Please read WalkGPS disclaimer.

    In the case of WalkGPS walks the following generally applies:

    Easy Suitable for beginners  
    e.g. Mainly short distances on gentle terrain. Usually on-track. In most cases, GPS or compass is not required.

    Medium Reasonable level of walking fitness and experience required
    e.g. Able to walk a minimum of 15km over variable terrain in a total of 4-5 hours without significant physical stress (in the cooler months).
    Reasonable navigation skills also required. These walks are often more than 15km and include variable terrain and/or a significant amount of off-track walking.

    Hard Same as for Medium grade except includes more challenging terrain in part.


Walk ID Walk Name Km - Approx road distanceDistance from Perth Km Walk Distance % Off-track Walking Difficulty
A1 Abyssinia Rock 57 12 35 E-M
A2 Avon Valley N.P. – Both Sides 87 15.5 55 M-H
A3 Avon Valley N.P. – South Side 87 17 85 M-H
A4 Avon Valley N.P. – South Side Variation 90 15.5 70 M
B01 Balmoral POW Camp – Three Mountains 75.5 29 7 M
B02 Bannister Hill 100 12.5 94 M
B03 Banyowla South 26 13.5 34 M-H
B04 Barrabup Pool – Southeast 219 14.5 35 M
B05 Beedelup Extended Loop 322 11.2 1 M
B06 Bells Rapid – Mount Mambup 33 9.2 35 M
B07 Beraking Hill 82 14.5 87 M
B08 Bickley Reservoir – Ellis Brook 20 13.5 10 E-M
B09 Bickley Reservoir – Lions Lookout 20 10 0 E-M
B10 Bold Park 7 9 0 E
B11 Boonerring Hill 87 16.5 75 M-H
B12 Boranup Forest 306 36 0 M
B13 Boyagarring 95 13 90 E-M
B14 Boyagin Rock 140 17 86 M
C1 Christmas Tree Well 75 13 92 E-M
C2 Crooked Brook Forest 181 16 2 M
D1 Darkin Ridge – Beraking Campsite 65 16.5 45 M
D2 Dryandra 164 18.5 55 M
E1 Eagle Hill (Gleneagle) 54 15.5 75 H
E2 Eagle View Trail (John Forrest NP) 26 15.5 0 E
E3 Ebenezer Valley 66 13 90 M
F1 Flynn Hills 87 14 96 E-M
F2 Flynn Hills North 74 17 98 M
G1 Geddes Rock 95 15.5 80 M
G2 Gibbs Rocks 110 16.5 95 M
G3 Gibraltar Rock (Mumballup State Forest) 219 24 34 M-H
G4 Greenmount Hill – Nyaania Creek 24 12 20 M
G5 Gunapin Ridge 89 18.5 85 M
H2 Hancock Brook – Helena Brook 49 16 63 M
H1 Hancock Brook – shorter option 56 13 85 M
H3 Helena Hill – Pony Hill 75 18.5 90 M-H
H4 Helena Valley (Glen Forrest) 32 15 47 H
J1 Julimar 84 14.5 90 M
K1 Kitty’s Gorge – Serpentine Falls 61 19 24 H
L1 Leschenault Peninsula 154 21 4.5 E-M
L2 Lower Frankland 413 33 0 M
L3 Lupton 105 17 75 M
M01 Manns Gully – Chinamans Gully 35 17 60 M
M02 Margaret River region: Coast To Inland Forests Multi-day 269 120 0.7 M-H
M03 Moons Crossing (Warren River) 337 18 .4 M
M04 Mount Billy area 80 17.0 80 M
M05 Mount Cooke 78 9.5 2 E
M06 Mount Dale 67 15.5 50 M
M07 Mount Dale North 67 15.5 40 M
M08 Mount Gorrie 56 16 95 M
M09 Mount Lindesay Traverse 426 23.5 4 M
M10 Mount Observation – Pony Hill 73 17.5 85 M
M11 Mount Randall 58 13 80 M
M12 Mount Randall – Eagle Hill 58 18.5 55 M-H
M13 Mount Richard and southern beaches 430 14.5 15 M
M14 Mount Roe (Boorabunup) 390 16 56 H
M15 Mount Solus 74 14 58 M
M16 Mount Vincent – North Mount Cooke 75 17 40 M
M17 Mount Yetar – longer version 80 16 96 M
M18 Mount Yetar – shorter version 58 13.5 50 M
M19 Mt Pingerup – Gladstone Falls – Woolbales 393 47 0 M
M20 Murray River (Lane Poole Reserve) 140 23 2 M
N1 Ngangaguringguring Hill 52 14 82 M
N2 Nockine Brook 89 15.5 95 M
N6 North Dandalup 73 15 34 M-H
N8 North Ledge – South Ledge: Mundaring Weir 40 14.5 6 E-M
N3 Northam area – Bobakine 89 6 50 E-M
N4 Northam area – Clackline 82 3 33 E
N5 Northam area – Mokine 89 5.5 66 E-M
N7 Northern John Forrest N.P. 27 15 35 M
N9 Nuyts Wilderness – Long Point 409 45 5 M-H
O1 Occidental Rock 50 15 63 M
P1 Pickering Brook – shorter version 25 13 0 E-M
P3 Piesse Brook 29 12 0 M
P4 Preston National Park (West) 215 15 11 M
Q1 Qualen Road 76 16.5 90 E-M
R1 Running Brook 76 16 86 M
S1 St John Brook 219 15 30 M
T1 Thomsons Lake 25 9 0 E
T2 Three Mountains – Randall, Cuthbert, Vincent 60 14 45 M
T3 Toodyay area – Flat Rock Gully 111 14 80 M
T4 Toodyay area – Flat Rock Gully North 115 15 96 M
T5 Toodyay area – Wongamine 104 5 75 E-M
T6 Turtle Pool – downstream 58 13 60 M
T7 Turtle Pool – Eagle Hill 58 15.5 47 M
T8 Two Mountains – Randall, Cuthbert 58 12.5 80 M
U1 Upper Beraking 80 16.5 87 M
U2 Upper Dale 80 18 99 M
U3 Upper Darkin – NW 83 15.0 97 M
U4 Upper Darkin – SE 80 15.5 96 M
V1 Victoria Reservoir – Bickley Brook 20 12 2.5 E
W01 Walyunga National Park 40 17 34 M-H
W02 Warren River – Yeagarup Dunes 352 37 12 M-H
W03 Wellington Dam – Arcadia (Wellington NP) 195 13 10 M
W04 Wellington Dam – Devils Elbow (Wellington NP) 195 17 20 M-H
W05 West Cape Howe 444 34.5 1 M
W06 Whistlepipe Gully – Lesmurdie Falls 23 12 0 E-M
W07 Willies Road 80 16.5 90 M
W08 Windsor Rocks North 79 14.5 80 M
W09 Windsor Rocks South 74 18.5 88 H
W10 Wooroloo Brook 40 14 22 M
W11 Wundabiniring 71 14 77 E
W12 Wundabiniring South 72 16.5 92 M
W13 Wungong Gorge 34 12.5 4.5 M-H
Walk ID Walk Name Km - Approx road distanceDistance from Perth kmWalk Distance %Off-track Walking Difficulty
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