What they say
Loved this walk [Three Mountains – Randall, Cuthbert, Vincent]. A challenging 2nd attempt at GPS navigation (using Memory Maps on the phone) but we had no problems following the route. From Mount Randall we opted to stick to the Bibbulman Track and leave out the ‘North Rocks’ section of this walk as the kids were knackered! Terrific country and great views!
Have been using your fantastic site for about 3 years and recommend to all….Thanks very much for providing this service, it is much appreciated.
Still walking your walks. Website is very impressive. Thanks again for the wonderful gift you have given us all.
We took full advantage of the suggestions and details [for 10 ‘medium’ walks] that you sent me for our trip to Perth [from UK]. We had a wonderful time. As this was our first time in the Australian Bush we took things easy – and a good job too – wow are there challenges for navigation out there! On the technical side – no real detailed up to date maps, no trail markers, and we do not have a GPS! On the terrain side – few features to navigate by, lots of very similar terrain, dense undergrowth, paths bulldozed away, path overgrown, and new ‘paths’ miraculously appearing to tempt the unwary! But your maps and route plans allowed us to have the security of knowing where we were most of the time! We had a superb introduction to bushwalking, and saw lots of wildlife – lots of birds, kangaroos, emus, couple of snakes, lots of lizards – and a myriad of wildflowers. We plan to do more walking in Australia – so as the man said – We’ll be back. But our sincere thanks to you for setting up such a great website, but more particularly our thanks for your personal help and suggestions. This turned our holiday into a superb experience.
This is an incredible website! I am honestly blown away by all the work and effort you’ve put into the site! You are truly providing such a fantastic service for experienced hikers and outdoors people such as myself right up to newbies and people just looking for a relaxing day out! Once again well done!
Thank you for maintaining this great website. Your website has provided me with a wealth of ideas and information about bushwalking in WA. I’m originally from the Netherlands…. I’ve done many walks (on-track and off-track) in NSW and in Tasmania. I moved to Perth a year and a half ago, and have been trying to get out into the bush. I was very disappointed to learn that we are not allowed to camp in most of the areas around Perth. It’s been very difficult to find wilderness and good overnight walks that are not the Bibbulman Track or Cape to Cape.[…] I’ve been searching everywhere for proper bushwalking maps for the Perth region and southwest of WA. I am not a GPS walker, being taught the ‘traditional’ way; I rely on my compass and would need 1:25,000 maps. But I cannot find maps anywhere.[…] The maps on your site are perfect, as they show all the vehicle tracks, 5m contour lines, and streams.[…]
This site is amazing – congratulations!!!!
Today I did your Manns Gully – Chinamans Gully Walk with a friend, using only my Garmin Fenix watch for navigation. It was a spectacular bushwalking experience where I thoroughly enjoyed heading off track into a tranquil bush setting, jumping over creeks and climbing a steep rugged range.
I wanna thank you from the bottom of my heart for your dedicated work on this website. It certainly inspired me and my wife to venture out there and follow some of your suggested routes.Thanks so much for your efforts in providing such an abundance of highly useful information and tips. We highly appreciate your work! You Sir, are a hero!
Just wanted to say what a great site you have created, an unbelievable amount of work. I’ve walked 3 different walks with friends over the last 3 weeks (Mount Mambup, Ellis Brook Valley and Pickering Brook). Fantastic. […] Thanks again for this amazing resource.
I had today off & spent it doing your Eagle Hill (Gleneagle) walk….another beauty & thanks.
Thanks for the website; has been so valuable to us on our walks. We enjoy downloading the waypoints and following them around the tracks [routes].
Just wish to say how impressed I am with your new website. We’ve been making use of your GPS routes since we first arrived here in Australia 14 years ago. Just downloaded a map and love the clarity. Good for you starting a subscription. Amazing good value for money. Love to see something similar in other states!
I am a member of the Yahoo Over 55’s Bushwalking Club, based in the Peel region. Other Club members and myself have found your website most useful in planning some of our Club walks – thankyou. [….] Keep up the good work.
I have just returned from an overnite hike using your Mount Cooke notes & map. We were 10 from 2 families M&Dx2 plus 6 kids (9-16), first overnight for some so not too adventurous. Took your route from the carpark to the Mount Cooke shelter then today on the Bibb. Track over the summit…..Thanks for the [info], gave me great confidence to take another family without having walked it previously.
Just thought I’d let you know that I and a couple of other people have now completed several walks on this site – Windsor Rocks South, Geddes Rock, Three Mountains, Mount Yetar and yesterday Upper Darkin. I wanted to thank you for sharing the info – the site is a great resource. We have enjoyed all of the walks, and the info you have supplied is very helpful.
Went out this a.m. to do Mount Yetar Shorter Walk with some mates who had never done it before. Your ears must have been burning as we had nothing but praise for all your hard work that you put into the site. [….] Unfortunately there is a large amount of rubbish and glass, bits of cars at the second crossing and lots of dirt bike riders, though luckily only toward the end of the walk. […] Keep up the good work, it is much appreciated.
I led an AOA [Action Outdoors Assocn.] walk through Julimar on Sunday – as I have four previous occasions, relying on an out of date orienteering map. One of our group produced your map which was a pleasant surprise as I wasn’t aware of the website you have put together. It was extremely helpful and have now downloaded your Boyagin Walk as well for a walk next month. Thanks for your work done – very useful.
I’ve been using your website a lot recently and I really do thank you for making walking so much more accessible to myself and others in WA. Keep up the great work and passion.
Your page is amazing, it helped me a lot. I’ve done most of the [WalkGPS] hikes around Perth.
Just a very quick note to say how much I appreciate your website, my family, and friends are using it on a regular basis for lots of new (and old) adventures. Thanks very much for your hard work in getting it all together; appreciated.
I have used the website [WalkGPS] for nearly 10 years now. It has been an essential tool for planning all midweek walks [for Perth Bushwalkers Club]. It has opened up for me and the midweek walkers areas of beautiful and diverse bushland that otherwise we would not have been aware of. The website is unique in many ways. Where else will you find so many different walks each supported by informative background information, photographs, detailed maps and GPS files all on the one website? It has been easy to take this website for granted. The upgraded site is even more comprehensive than its predecessor. There is now a small fee to pay to access all this information. I would have willingly paid this fee and more from the beginning it has been so incredibly useful. You don’t have to be a walk leader or organiser to use this site. You can download any walk you like for your own private use or for a family outing. You will need a GPS for a lot of the walks but not all. If you are up to it you can use the maps and a compass. Now there’s a challenge. I know many of you are aware of the website, but I do hope you will subscribe to the new one to show a measure of appreciation for the fantastic effort and cost that Dave has personally put into it.
I love the revamped website – well done! The modest charge of $20/year is well worth it. […]
I am enjoying the walks. I’ve been doing them for a few years now with an informal walking group I have. There are about 12 of us on the list but on most occasions we have about 5 to 8. Everyone enjoys them, even the tougher ones, and we’ve done some several times. Your gpx track files have been completely reliable, so we’ve never got lost or had any trouble – thanks again for your efforts. Thanks for all the effort and trouble that you obviously go to, it’s a great resource.
…thanks for putting up such an informative and excellent website. I used to bushwalk all the time up in the Pilbara when young, and since life has gotten in the way I haven’t done it for years and I’m finding that spark coming back. Seeing your passion is helping me find mine again so thank you 🙂
Have done Mount Solus and recently the Three Mountains Walks with my son and enjoyed these immensely thanks to all the effort that you’ve put in to your website. Would just like to express my appreciation and thanks.
… I want to thank you for WalkGPS. We’ve been having remarkable walks, all very beautiful – and I’m so delighted to get off the beaten Bibb. Track! I’m very grateful for your idea of the website, your thoroughness, your initiative, and your skills. Yesterday’s frog-march included (it was a long’un and pretty scratchy, but we all came up laughing – even though I heard a few choice words here and there along the way).
Just thought I’d send an email and give my thanks for providing the wealth of information on WalkGPS for other hikers. I just completed the Wooroloo Brook Walk today and it was a blast. If your website wasn’t available, I most definitely wouldn’t be aware that there are so many to complete around Perth. Many thanks.
This site is obviously a labour of love. It is the most comprehensive, accurate and informative site for bushwalking I have ever seen. I have tried 4 of the walks (or parts of) and found them all to have been extremely well researched, and a pleasure to follow. Thank you for your amazing efforts!
Just wanted to let you know – great site – thanks. Keep it current and you have a fan.
Thanks for a great site! The amount and quality of the information is awesome.
What a fantastic walk this [Willies Road Walk] was! […] The knobs provided wonderful vistas of the Wandoo forest – a natural observation platform. It is totally depressing that these are going to be mined – I suspect. The Wandoo is irreplaceable here – something has to be done. […] Thanks for taking us there.
This is an excellent site Dave. Have used it on and off many times over the years. A mate and I just did the short version of the North Dandalup Walk; it was awesome and just wanted to thank you for all the work you put into refining these walks for us to enjoy. You’re a champion!!
Just wanted to give you a massive thanks for all the maps and track notes you got on here. Been a big help getting me out and up on my weekends. Keep up the good work champ.
The Committee of the Hiking Club of WA would like to express their thanks for your tireless work over the years, firstly for creating the Website in the beginning and secondly, for the ongoing passion that you have displayed in putting the walk information together and maintaining it over the years […..]
I am a member of the Perth Bushwalkers Club, having joined in 2004. I discovered your website some time ago and always check out walks that I or the club are doing before going out. Your website is great.
I was in the middle of doing some research on bushwalks around Perth when I bumped into your site. I have now abandoned my rather feeble attempts to put some info together and am putting a link to your site as I don’t think I could ever put together such a vast array of information on the subject. You have done an amazing job.
Came across the website a couple of weeks ago – thank you very much for a brilliant resource! Recently taken up bushwalking; previously walked in UK and Switzerland but after 40 years in WA am enthused to walk (thanks in no small way by your website)- thanks again!
Just wanted to thank you for maintaining and keeping such an great resource for walkers of all walks of life! I organise the South of the Border hike club (non-for-profit) and refer to your waypoints/coordinates a fair bit in my research. So many thanks!
First of all thank you for such a wonderful website. It has been enriching my weekends every now and then for a few years now!